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Monoliths 2020.

This is where the story started in the Utah desert. Photo David Surber with thanks. The shiny surface looks like stainless steel.

All that was left after the 'mono' disappeared shortly after discovery was a triangular relief and the metal top. That looks like galvanised sheet material, at least on this face. The hard bedrock has been cut surgically to provide a base. Photo: Zak Podmore with thanks.

Golden monolith in Colombia (7) Photo Newsflash with thanks.

Norway (10) outside an urban located lighting company in Kristiansand. The company has surveillance cameras that point to the area, but according to a Q-Light employee Eirik Vestøl..."We have not been able to identify anyone in the recording." Photo VG.NO with thanks.

The number (11) and now URBAN trend (were most have been in a RURAL setting) seems to be evolving. This time we have a monolith popping up in El Passo Texas, again much the same shape and design as the previous ones, As with others the structure was removed by persons/ unknown (which seems to be the trend overall) probably opportunist locals but my bet is that government officials will be on their doorstep very soon!

10.12.20 Latest monolith sat right in front of Glastonbury Tor no less! with 'NOT BANKSEY' etched on one face. Could it be that the genuine creators are making a clear point here? Again same design and looks like same material as others. If this was a human event they were very strong and went to a lot of trouble and expense, and for what gain? Artists usually look for recognition. That's a long gruelling climb up there to the top. Getting closer to the crop circle country? If we got one right in the middle of a circle next season it would not surprise me at all. Photo 'Visions of Somerset 'with thanks.

And another in a potato field in Belgium. They all look quite similar: I am wondering if the 'planters' recycle them, from one location to another. Photo VRT.BE with thanks.

10.12.20 This one is in Aargau Castle, Switzerland in a vineyard. I'm sure government officials will become increasingly interested in what could turn out to be the beginnings of a phenomenon. Up until the time of writing 1230hrs. we have now had x3 reported today. Photos Salomon Barr with thanks.

GERMANY: The town of Sulzbach discovered a monolith at the weekend near a shopping centre, considerately placed right on the edge of a crop field.

Standing at around 9-ft tall, the 1st. Polish monolith with a prism-like top was at the Kielce, and was discovered on Wednesday morning last. I especially like this one as the surface markings are appealing.

A second monolith was spotted in Poland on Wednesday last by the banks of the Vistula river in Warsaw.

There appears to be a constant evolving here. Pretty much all of these monoliths seem to be made to the same high engineering standard and specification. Admittedly some show what look like surface rivets but in a way that adds to their appeal, as in the example above. I would suggest that if multiple random human beings around the world were to be responsible (as opposed to an organised and coordinated global collective operating out from a central factory with high end shipping facilities) the end product would exhibit a variance peculiar to the style and capabilities of the individual craftsman. No gains or hopes for notoriety would seem apparent with what must be an increasingly costly business. Thus far, apart from one or two myth-makers, predictable attention seeking opportunists claiming responsibility, like we get with the crop circles, nobody has shown credibility. Artist's usually look for accreditation/recognition and business, financial reward. Not far.

Reported 8.12.20 This is amazing! Standing in a river in Deux-Sèvres, France this monolith has raised flux etching that looks like it was created with the aid of a welder. How beautiful. These things are definately evolving. Whatever next? PPPhoto N24 with thanks.Deux-Sèvres Deux-S

Reported 9.12.20 Overlooking Toulouse, France on Pech David hill. Photo Simon Oliver with thanks.

11.12.2 Number 3 for Britain. Remote location. The smooth stainless steel column is 2.5 metre tall and about half a mile from the nearest road on the north of the Moor on Dartmoor, another monolith just positioned then abandoned.

Kitsilano Beach in Vancouver, B.C., PHOTO BY @JODYVANCE In fact there are two more located in this city, one is said to be omiting strange sounds.

Adelaide, Australia. Arrived 10.12.20 Same spec as previous . This monolith had three different coordinates engraved into it.

The top coordinate was the location of Trump Tower, in New York, while the second location was the uninhabited island of Managaha in the Northern Mariana Islands, near Guam, in the Pacific Ocean.

Lastly, the bottom coordinates marked The Sphinx in Egypt's Al Giza Desert.

UPDATE: 13.12.20 This structure has now vanished as mysteriously as it arrived leaving just the three supporting rods in the ground. I've noticed these rods associated with other monoliths that have been displaced by people. According to this news report one of the etchings on the monolith links it to Trump Tower. This is bizarre!

I recognise these rods. These rods are made from mild steel fabrication material used in concrete footing and foundation reinforcement. This suggests that the makers have access to local regular building site materials, sourced usually from steel merchant...whatever that could mean. That weld blob still has its flux coating.

Torrence Beach, Torrence, California. I think this makes no. 3 in that state. This was removed right away by local officials.

12.12.20 No.4 for UK. Wow! A new 'monolith' right in the middle of Mary Maiden Stone Circle, St. Buryan, Cornwall. My hunch may well have been correct. The very top title on this page article was inspired by this possibility over a week ago. My original thought centred around the crop circles being linked to these columns, getting a metal monolith in a formation next season. However, this one in Cornwall seems to bring the idea one step closer. I'd almost put money on it. Worth a punt I'd say! Please watch video linked below by Luke Brown who reported it. Looks very neat around the base with no evidence of disturbed earth. This is an historic British Heritage site so it would take a very bold person to erect a structure here without permission; it would constitute a serious offence. Many thanks Luke (copyright) for photo. This all gets crazier and crazier.

To supplement the above and to somehow add accreditation maybe, I have spent the last 12 years monitoring, recording and researching the crop circles in the south west of England. Literally based in a camper van on location each year in the summer months, in the landscape (please note I have an otherwise 'normal' lifestyle with house and home) I, with help from friendly farmers with whom I liaise with and others, have got to know the crop circles as well as one possibly could I'd say. We have raised £32k( for cancer charity (a PR exercise bridging the gap between the farming community and the general public) by managing the farmer's field free of charge. (check out articles etc on this w/s) This allows me to research the circles like nobody else has ever done before as I am present next to a circle 24/7. So if we do get a 'monolith in a crop formation next year I guess myself with coregroupinitiative are best placed to embrace and manage the event properly...and believe me, it will need good land, traffic and people managing working with many farmers of whom I have good relationships.

So when I say there could be a link between the 'monoliths' and the CCs I am serious. I know what the circle creators are capable of based on empirical evidence. So what's that you say. Well in a nutshell I have been 1st human being in several CCs over my 12 years of researching and witnessed the virgin evidence on the ground. Often there are biophysical anomalies present in the form of crop stem node bending. This bending is present from early on day one of the circle's creation so cannot be due to phototropism or sun seeking as they usually happen within the hours of darkness. It usually takes several/many days for plant to re-adjust towards light depending on weather conditions. That is the empirical and undeniable evidence that most CCs are of mysterious origin. I could present that to any scientist in the world and they would not be able to contradict me. So if some 'agency' let's say can do that maybe a 'monolithic' interface is not such a far stretch. Think about this. Please share this article with your friends. Thanks.

12.12.20 Today in Otrokovice near Zlín, Czech. Looks shorter than previous events. By the angle of the camera I would estimate at about 4' 6" - 5'.

Zamkova Hora hill in Kiev, Ukraine. This one seems to have a different finish to the surface. Different material? The surgical way in which has been placed in the soil is impressive.

I give up! These monoliths are sprouting up so fast and in such large numbers around the globe that I can hardly keep up.

No.5 for UK. This one on the Jurassic Coast between Lyme Regis and Charmouth looks little different somehow. Maybe wider, less tall and rounded steel. Is morphing about to start? We have 5 'monoliths' in the SE England now, which incidentally has been the focus of crop circle activity historically. Are we about to see clustering here? The plot thickens!

This one is grey and cuboid in section as opposed to others which have been shiny and triangular.

Not sure about the 'SLOW'.

14.12.20 No.6 now for the UK. Mandeville primary school, St. Albans. Happened over night. This is getting serious when, with such a location and the police in attendance taking forensic samples. Why would they take samples if they thought this was all a big joke? Photos Mandeville primary school with thanks.

Iran. A new 3m (heavy, getting bigger) 'monolithic' towering structure has popped up at the top of a valley in Niknam-Deh, a small very remote village north of Jajrud, around 15 kilometres east of Tehran. I've personally travelled in this area and it is rough. If somebody were to try overland access to this location it would take an age with this thing and locals would immediately be all over you. When asked the locals knew nothing of it; that is unimaginable in this area! Only way here is helicopter.

Hungary. Rákospalotai határút and Szentmihályi street. Grassy field. Same original design. Photo by János Erdész/Hungary Today with thanks.

Isle of Wight (very smashed up) 'monolith is for sale. £5,600 and still 6+ days to go! The seller came by it legitimately as far as I can determine but what will this potentially trigger in others? This will be interesting as I'm sure others will try to claim 'monoliths' from another location if they think it has value. The question is though: 'Will it 'outwit' the predator and quickly disappear and maybe relocate elsewhere?' I quickly learned with my times around the crop circles that sometimes if the farmer destroys it before it has served its time there it will be relocated in exactly the same form as it was before. However, something else this tells me is just how much importance people are placing on this.

Many are saying the funds from the sale should go to charity.

UPDATE: £20,100 and still 6 days to go!

UPDATE: £50,000 and 5 days to go.

There appears to be a constant evolving here. Pretty much all of these monoliths seem to be made to the same high engineering standard and specification. Admittedly some show what look like surface rivets but in a way that adds to their appeal, as in the example above. I would suggest that if multiple random human beings around the world were to be responsible (as opposed to an organised and coordinated global collective operating out from a central factory with high end shipping facilities) the end product would exhibit a variance peculiar to the style and capabilities of the individual craftsman. No gains or hopes for notoriety would seem apparent with what must be an increasingly costly business. Thus far, apart from one or two predictable attention seeking opportunists claiming responsibility, like we get with the crop circles, nobody has shown credibility. Artist's usually look for accreditation/recognition and business, financial reward. Not far. .

If indeed these columns are in fact the work of, let's say a Covid-idle, globally coordinated collective, altruistic humans donating for no gain, for all to wonder at and with I imagine huge financial and skill based resources, that would really restore my faith in human nature. But from an engineering POV the high workmanship quality and design seems to be a constant. Like crop circles they pretty much all seem perfect. People vary in their abilities and sometimes make mistakes. If they turn out to be of off-earth origin I personally will not be surprised at all. One can only imagine what all this is about if that were to be the case! A great distraction though in these rather miserable times.

17.12.20 Sweden no.1 Vanished after two days!

Sweden no. 2

17.12.20 Sweden. Gatstuberg hill outside Katrineholm in Södermanland County. This one looks well grounded! Maybe its trying to say something to us..."Leave me here please"'. It made sure it had a great view though. Image: Robin Persson with thanks.

That looks heavy!

I wonder what those curious black dots are...don't look like' rivets'.

16.12.20 Fort Pierce, Florida. Right outside a bar. CCTT shows nothing but interference. Interesting. "Wasn't there the night before".

A very fine example I'd say. Lowered down from above and spiked into the ground? Looks neat. Again same design as many before. Wants to be seen in very public place.

Gt. Exuma due east of Bahamas. A tiny island. Hope the footings are deep in that sand!


Eureka Springs, Arkansas, USA. There for short while then vanished. Farmer perplexed. He says he monitors any comings and goings with CCTT and there's nothing on the cameras.

Samaipata, Santa Cruz, BOLIVIA. This 'mono' has inscriptions in different languages on each of its four surfaces. This side looks like Chinese.

Currant translation:

A good man on the Earth

In Shuangshuiba (Guizhou, China?)

on Wednesday (December 16?)

Best wishes from Uncle Qi Qi

Jiqian Mother, Jiqian Mother

Children of the father

Best wishes of strength and power from Uncle Qi Qi will stay with you” -----“Qǐ Qì” means “beginning and end”.

Photos : Antonio Azg with thanks. Translations to follow.Whoever or whatever is responsible for this seems to be well aquatinted with our Earthly language/writing systems.

Open link in Chrome browser.

20.12.20 New Zealand. Christchurch Adventure Park in the Port Hills. 3 mts high (heavy metal) was discovered yesterday morning."Wasn't there at 5pm yesterday". say staff. Only entrance 750mts away. There is perimeter fence.

I could not dig a hole so precisely to accommodate this column without it being bigger and untidier.Looks surgical. Of course it may be spiked in on the surface.Fabrication perfect as usual. No fingerprints as if carried over 750mts rough terrain.

20.12.20 Utah. Quincy. USA Snow circle monolith. Refer to top of this page. Seems like the prediction is getting closer. First stone circle with mono then now a snow circle with mono. Umm! Summer crop circle next?


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