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Crop Circle Harmony at Danebury Hill 2019

'In this video you will find the EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE showing most crop circles are in fact of a genuinely mysterious nature. Researcher PAUL JACOBS and the CORE GROUP INITIATIVE work tirelessly each year cooperating with farmers on location for weeks on end in the summer months. They facilitate legitimate access to thousands of crop circle visitors by managing the field for the farmer; last season 2019 it was at Danebury Hill fort in Hampshire. This video is a summery of how the Core Group Initiative are sensibly educating people and making crop circles more acceptable by breaking down social barriers, bringing crop circles into the 21st century. The CGI have raised over £32000 so far for charities which includes over £22000 for 'Brighter Futures', a cancer charity helping to build a treatment facility at Swindon Great Western hospital. Crop circles can add real value to society if managed properly.'

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