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Welcome to the CoreGroupInitiative (CGI)  a broad-spectrum crop circle/ formation research site also dedicated to facilitating circle access to the public by freely and actively co-operating with farmers. Founder Paul Jacobs has been front-line researching CCs literally in the landscape since 2008.

Now embracing the new Mysterious Monolith Phenomenon also.
 The CGI is primarily a purely voluntary and essentially an altruistic set-up that aims to bridge the gap between the CC phenomenon and society. The emphasis is on charity initially working to assist farmers on a daily basis with land,traffic and people management when they have a crop/circle/formation event on their land.

Ongoing research is an integral aspect of what we do. Respect for the farmer and collecting donations for local charities is key within our activities. In this way we can help reduce social tensions by perhaps popularising crop formations as they slowly become perceived more as positive and productive instead of as a nuisance in the eyes of farmers and the general public.  


CGI is quite unique; there is no other such
 research organisation offering this type of
service successfully anywhere. Where we
operate, peaceful and legal access to the
crop formation is guaranteed.



Hard to believe in this crazy mixed-up cynical modern world but there are no pretences or hidden agendas here or attempting to sell you something... just the plain and simple facts together with a will to help.


Apart from promoting a goodwill PR and positivity within the farming community this site will  also attempt to follow and report sociological developement surrounding the CF world, monitoring how we adapt (or not) and manage within this unpresidented scenario.

This site combines a mix of research, photographic

 and sociological comment relating to the Cropcircle phenomenon. There is no other site quite like it.


Facilitating Cropcircle access through charity.  Helping instead of hindering the community.

Funds Raised for Farmer's Charity so far by CGI:


                         * Over 7 consecutive seasons since 2011

'Phoenix' pictogram crop formation at Yatesbury UK 2009.


Identifying unusual features in the crop circles is an important aspect of the research.


Please visit this site regularly, especially in the summer months (when most of the CFs are appearing) for up to date observations,up-to-minute research and comment with photography enabling you to get more of a 'real feel' for events as they unfold. We will 'pull no punches' in this sometimes dramatic arena when attempting to inform you accurately, 

impartially and truthfully. 


A whole new concept ...'Visiting crop formations with respect,free from tensions and farmer disharmony'.

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All CGI services are purely self funded and voluntary. Any contributions will help towards running this website and outreach expenses. Thank you.

All content including poetry and photos copyright Paul Jacobs unless otherwise stated.

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